Concussion Care in Dallas, TX

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5 things to do IMMEDIATELY after your concussion:

If you have a loss of consciousness, have external bleeding, blurred vision, "pounding" in your head that is rhythmic with your heartbeat, vomiting, taste of metal like you licked a penny, trouble breathing, or any other life-threatening symptom, please go to the emergency room immediately. You need to be checked for a potential brain bleed or other significant injury. The following are the top 5 things TWID has clinically seen improvements in very short periods of time for patients with head injuries, whiplash injuries, and other neurological issues.

  1. High dose Omega 3 fatty acids - Helps prevent concussion, used as a treatment with clinically significant results on those with post-concussion syndrome (PCS), some contraindications but for the most part safe. Call us if you have questions.
  2. Don't eat CRAP! - Self explanatory (or at least it should be) but this is a time your brain needs quality fuel. Think Paleo, ketogenic, healthy fats and proteins and restricted carbs. Often times we use fasting to help but this should be done under professional supervision as there are factors that could make symptoms worse with fasting.
  3. Tons of water - Dehydration is often a simple thing to correct with massive benefits to concussive symptoms. Toss in some electrolytes periodically for added benefit but watch out for sugars. The brand "LMNT" electrolyte packets are easy to find on Amazon but others found at health grocers work as well.
  4. Do something stimulating - Walk, sit in the sun, have a nice conversation, swim, just do something that gets your brain going. Be very careful and give yourself grace to lay down and relax after, especially if there is any increase in symptoms. Stop activity if you develop concussive symptoms. This is not a time to be tough, it is a great time to listen to your body.
  5. Sleep - Sleep is crucial for your recovery, especially in the first 72 hours. Stop being woken up every 2 hours, there is no evidence it helps anything and an overwhelming amount showing we need time for our brains to "reset" and heal. Sleep is the best time for that to happen. If you have problems falling asleep or staying asleep, please contact us.


If you'd like an expanded version and explanation of these 5 tips with bonus material designed to help you recover, please fill out the form at the top right of this page to get an email with more in-depth information or to set up a complimentary phone consult with one of our providers.


What is a Concussion?

A concussion is a type of head trauma that causes injury to the brain and may reduce your brain's ability to function at its best. The vast majority of concussions are brought on by falls or blows to the head, whether by work, sports, or a random accident. Concussions can vary in severity, ranging from mild to more serious, and are often classified as a type of traumatic brain injury (TBI). Without the guidance of a medical professional, it can be hard to determine how severe a concussion is at first, which is why our team at The Wellness Institute of Dallas encourages patients to seek help if head trauma is endured. In some cases, the brain can rattle in the skull during a concussion, causing potential injury and lowered brain function. If you think you or a loved one have experienced a recent concussion, contact our Dallas, TX office for help.

symptoms of a concussion

Since the severity of a concussion can vary, symptoms may manifest immediately or several hours later. In rare cases, loss of consciousness may also occur. If you've experienced an injury recently and think you may have a concussion, some signs to look out for are:

  • Headaches
  • Dizzy and/or light-headed
  • Confusion
  • Disorientation
  • Blurred or double vision
  • Nausea
  • Slurred speech
  • Noticing a steep decline in cognitive functions

What Causes a Concussion?

Concussions are caused by trauma to the head. This could be in the form of a bump, punch, fall, or anything else that could cause a large amount of force against the head. In fact, it could even be caused by a blow to the body that causes whiplash to the head.

How Is A Concussion Treated?

When you come to The Wellness Institute of Dallas for concussion treatment, we begin with standard MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) testing and CT (computerized tomography) scans. This allows us to determine if there is any physical injury to the brain and/or spinal cord or if a brain bleed is present. Most concussions can be treated by simply going home and resting for a week while monitoring symptoms and limiting exposure to stimuli like loud sounds and light. If symptoms of a concussion persist, we offer several treatment options, including:

  • Functional medicine – nutrition, lifestyle, exercise, and other modifications
  • Functional neurology – further steps we can take if testing shows nothing yet you still have symptoms
  • Whole-body approach – takes into account the neck and spine as possible contributors to symptoms

At The Wellness Institute of Dallas, we treat concussions with a comprehensive approach that addresses all aspects of concussion symptoms with a treatment plan personalized to your specific needs.

Concussions FAQ

What are the most common causes of a concussion?

Falls are the most frequently recorded cause of concussions. Next to falls, contact sports are the most common cause of concussions.

When should you see a doctor for a concussion?

Even if you aren't experiencing any symptoms after a concussion, it is recommended that you still have a physical exam after 1 – 2 days. You should seek immediate medical care if you or someone else experiences the following symptoms after a fall, collision, or head injury:

  • Unconsciousness lasting longer than 30 seconds
  • Vomiting or nausea
  • Changes in pupil size
  • Blurry or double vision
  • Blood and/or fluid coming out of the nose or ears
  • Ringing in the ears
  • Seizures or convulsions
  • Confusion and disorientation
  • Slurred speech
  • Weakness or numbness in the arms or legs

Do you lose consciousness when you get a concussion?

Not always. While a more severe concussion can cause you to lose consciousness, most concussions don’t.

understanding your cranial health

Concussions can range from mild to very damaging. If you endure any damage to your head in one isolated incident or over a period of time, it's important to receive a full physical from a medical professional. Our team at The Wellness Institute of Dallas works with individuals one-on-one to determine the severity of their head injury and provides a number of therapies to address it. Contact our office in Dallas, TX if you have any questions about a head injury you, or a loved one, have experienced.

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